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Support for printed circuit boards

The DIYers among us are familiar with the use of blank printed circuit boards when finishing a project.

Various circuits are mounted on printed circuit boards using milling cutters or pieces of PCB.

Better known as “Manhattan style”.

Another common use is making enclosures.

Printed circuit board is easy to saw and drill.

The housing's printed circuit board is soldered to the inside.

The two pieces are usually intended to be at right angles (=90°) to each other.

This is not easy and usually requires a tool to keep the plate from moving.

I saw such a piece on an American QRP website a few years ago.

Of course I don't remember where and what it's called anymore.

I have drawn this myself in tinkercad. That is a very accessible 3d drawing package that is quick to learn and still makes beautiful designs possible.

The first model has a T-shaped slot. The plate is fixed with a screw.

The holes are approximately 3mm so that you can tap M4 thread into them.

I bought those screws with a serrated head on Aliexpress, but of course normal bolts will also work.

The T-shaped slot also allows you to use this support to solder partitions.

I also noticed that the plate sometimes “shifts” so that you get an edge.

For a corner, it is best to push the plate into the short slot against the wall and then place the second plate.

That's why I drew a second version with only a 90° angle. That way the plate always sits correctly.



If you pay close attention, you will now also see an opening in the inner wall.

I did this so that the tap can be screwed in a little deeper.

I also found that the edges sometimes feel quite sharp.

Version 3 has rounded corners.







Model 1 and 2 were ordered from a Chinese 3D printing company.

I paid almost 6€ for 2 pieces of model2, taxes and transport included. Delivery after 14 days.

In the meantime the “family 3d printer” has been repaired and I have printed model 3 myself.

If you are interested in these supports, you can request the stl file from me for free.

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