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Bruce  W8BH made an NTP clock.

(see )


What is NTP ?

NTP stands for Network Time Protocol. It is an internet protocol with which the computer watches are synchronized. With this, these watches are synchronized with the official UTC time and this with a tolerance within 10 ms.

What do you need for this?

An internet connection.

An arduino based on an ESP processor.

An MCU friends tft screen.



W8BH used a serial screen. I still had a few parallel screens lying around.

My MCU friends screen had a 0154 driver chip.

I had an arduino UNO like ESP32 module laying around.

I modified the W8BH software to make it usable for the material I had lying around.

3 wires have to be soldered on the arduino print because not all pins were used when making the uno print.

With this clock you always have the exact time in your shack.

Do you have questions,  then you can use the contact form  fill.

Used ESP module
wemos mod.jpeg
Perform adjustment
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