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ATTINY programming board

Some readers use the arduino components in their HAM projects.

Usually it is sufficient to purchase a ready-made module (eg arduino nano).

Sometimes the design needs to be as small as possible.

The processor can also be purchased separately  eg an atmega328. This is, for example, in a DIL28 packaging. Another processor family is the ATTINY series.

With the help of an arduino uno these ICs can be programmed relatively easily.

6 wires, a breadboard  and the right software is sufficient for this.

I found a scheme on the internet with which different ICs could be programmed.

I designed a print for this. I also added the smd version.

As you can see in the photo, these ICs can be secured with a screw.

There are also adapters smd to dil, but these cost quickly 5 euros. The question is also how often people will use an smd version.


The structure is self explanatory. The print is pinned to a uno with long pin headers.


How do you program an attitude?

open the ide and choose a uno as board


then load ARDUINO ISP and program the uno




then open file/preferences

in the "additional board management urls" box, type this link:



then connect the ATTINY

follow this connection or use my print


you need to install this lib


then choose the attiny (see chip box) in the new library. I'll leave the rest.



Then choose “programmer: arduino as isp”

Then click on burn boatloader.


Load the program you want to program

To program click on sketch and upload with programmer



If you also wish to program an atmeg328, you will find a good explanation here

I had 2 new atmegs here that I couldn't get programmed.

Then I saw the comment at the bottom of the explanation. After connecting a 16mhz crystal between pins 9 and 10 I was able to charge the boatloader.

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